Association Held Asian Development Bank Project Seminar
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    In October 24th, China group companies Association held a research seminar responded to the "perfect China corporate management, compliance regulation and social responsibility ", that a project raised by Asian Development Bank. China group companies  Association executive vice president Zhang Chongqing took charge of the seminar, extensive and in-depth discussions on draft research report, put forward amendments.

    China group companies Association executive vice president Zhang Chongqing; the SASAC of the State Council inspection group leader Han Xiuguo; Office of the general counsel for the Asian Development Bank consultant Fiona Connell, director of research project official Hiroko; energy consultant Shen Yiyang; research group of international experts, Kaiser vice president of consulting company Christian Johnson; domestic experts, member of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, President of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Nankai University, the China Company governance research center director Professor Li Weian;Nankai University research project director Lin professor Run Hui attended the meeting.

    Attend this seminar has a total of 46 delegates, including Huaneng, Datang, Datang Group, Wuhan Iron and steel, building materials, Chinese Chengtong, China Building Materials, West Electric Group, Datong coal mine, North China pharmaceutical, Guangdong traffic, PetroChina 13 China large companies and Siemens, GE, IBM, Volvo, Coleman 6 foreign Multi-National Corporations. Big companies pay so much attention and participate in the research, which shows their attention to the research project "corporate governance, compliance regulation and social responsibility".

    The seminar, the ADB project officer Ms. Hiroko explained in speech the meaning of the research project for China enterprises and foreign company development, to express our heartfelt thanks to the group work and enterprise supports. China group companies Association Deputy Secretary General Yu Dan reported on the progress of research. International expert, research report writer Christian Johnson describes the main content of the research report. Domestic expert Professor Li Weian according to the Chinese enterprises reality, to study changes put forward constructive suggestions. China group Companies Association executive vice president Han Xiuguo made a concluding speech.

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